Friday, September 21, 2018

Remote Viewing: How to See Far Away with Your Eyes Closed

And on that clear day, on that clear, clear day
You can see forever and ever and ever and ever more

Lyrics of Alan Jay Lerner

Have you ever played with that delightful mobile app, Periscope? You can go anywhere you want and share a moment with anyone willing to open up their video camera. You can see them very clearly in vivid color. You can text them, but you can’t actually speak with them. It is a little like lurking. You can window shop your way around the entire planet.

Suppose your network connection suddenly drops out. What then? If you are a government, you have satellite, reconnaissance planes and paid espionage agents. For an ordinary person like you and me, it is possible to do something much simpler.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and visualize…anything…whatever comes to mind.

What Is Remote Viewing?

Remote viewing is a psychic technology inspired by shamanic visioning and prophetic powers. It was formally developed in the 1970’s by SRI, a prestigious research institute adjacent to Stanford University. Physicists were brought in to experiment with ways that they can gather intelligence about distant places, as well as events that have already transpired or is about to occur.

Remote viewing is far more than a parlor game or elaborate guess work. You work under quiet laboratory conditions with paper and pencil in hand. You focus on targets, typically given by the director. Very often it will entail people introduced to you driving out 10 or 20 miles away. It is up to you to identify the landmark they choose.

Remote viewing typically doesn’t involve photorealistic images, as you might enjoy in a lucid dream. It entails receiving signals involving form, shape, color and emotional feelings. You do your best to capture whatever impressions you receive on paper. You then verify the accuracy of the information you receive when possible.

remote viewing techniques

Remote Viewing Transcends Space and Time

Each of us is perfectly capable of seeing a distant time or place with our eyes closed. With our physical eyes and ears, we typically see or hear what is right in front of us, unless we have sophisticated instruments, such as a telescope. With vision our dominant sense, we tend to concentrate first on sight, then sound, then touch, taste and smell.

With remote viewing, we can see many miles away without any degradation of the subtle signals. Apollo astronauts actually ran psychic experiments tens of thousands of miles above earth on their way to the moon. They compared information with their contacts stationed here on earth.

Some remove viewers have successfully captured information about events decades ago, discovering unknown details which, with further research, were actually verified. Likewise, some remote viewers see places and events as they will unfold several days from now.

Why the Intelligence Community Paid Millions

Russell Targ became the leading authority on remote viewing at SRI. His work was so accurate that it caught the attention of the Director of NASA, and later the CIA. His experiments led to the development of a sophisticated lab that was funded by those agencies for 20 years.

Remote viewing became compelling to military strategists concerned about Soviet missile installations undetectable by the best satellites. Of course, the Soviets were doing the exact same thing. When the Cold War ended, Americans and Russians got together and compared notes. They were shocked at the accuracy of each other’s probes.

The ultimate in spying would be to get the information you needed immediately upon demand with no intrusions. Black ops and other nasty engagements are not the primary focus. They are designed to help government and military make the most informed possible decisions. Often, the lives of many men and women are at stake.

Remote Viewing Can Be Learned

While most of us are in utter awe of the prophecies of Nostradamus, and the uncanny medical diagnosis and cures of Edgar Cayce, we can develop our psychic powers to a basic level. From the yogic perspective, this involves opening your Third Eye.

The work at SRI has demonstrated that people who are not distinguished psychics can receive extremely accurate information under laboratory conditions. In conjunction with companions, you can train yourself to achieve promising results.

Start simple, perhaps within your own home. For example, a friend can identify a small object in another room, place it in a sealed box and bring it over. You are allowed to touch the box, as long as you don’t open it. This is not a game of 20 questions, but rather receiving intuitive impressions.

How to Conduct Your Own Remote Viewing Session

While classes, books and videos are readily available, the essential procedure is quite simple.

1.  Find a quiet place where you can close your eyes and concentrate, perhaps with a mantra.
2.  Breathe deeply and clear your thoughts as best you can.
3.  Deliberately focus on a particular time and place, as directed.
4.  Stay alert to any feelings, sensations or images that emerge, but refrain from guessing.
5.  Open your eyes and write down any shapes, forms or colors you saw, along with any descriptive words.
6.  Verify your results as soon as possible.
7.  Take an experimental attitude with no attachment to the results. Simply have fun!

Continue to practice over a period of time, sharing your experience with others.

remote viewing proof

What Remove Viewing Reveals About Who We Are

Remote viewing experts, such as Russell Targ, suggest that the greatest reward of such an endeavor is to find out who you are in the process. Russell, himself, is of great interest, since he is legally blind. For all practical purposes, he sees with his eyes closed.

Russell was so good at what he did that he decided to engage in commodity investment in the silver market. His prognostication was so good that his team scored nine times out of nine. The team racked up $200,000. Later, they suffered a disagreement, and the winning streak abruptly came to an end.

What is most revealing is what physicists call nonlocality. The information is coming from no particular place and time, since you can access information around the world, past, present and future. It is coming from what might be called the akashic records, wherein is stored everything that was ever experienced.

Remote viewing leads you to the direct realization of Cosmic Consciousness. You are one with the Universe.

If you find occasion, play with remote viewing. You might see your loved ones on the other side of the world. You will certainly take a major step toward Self Realization.

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