Friday, September 14, 2018

Is Interdimensional Travel Possible?

If you don't believe when I talk to you about things on earth,
how can you possibly believe if I talk to you about things in heaven?

-Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John

When we think of the movies Star Trek and Star Wars, we think of objects popping in and out of space, both appearing and disappearing in rapid succession. Accounts of UFO’s attest to their ability to instantaneously accelerate to supersonic speeds, vanishing beyond the horizon.

Most space movies assume our ability to go well beyond the speed of light (Warp speed), just as we exceed the speed of sound with the sonic boom. There is one slight difference. Sound travels at just 761 MPH, while light travels at 186,000 miles per second. At the speed of sound, it would take several hours to cross the continental United States. At the speed of light, you could reach the moon and back in just two seconds.

Best estimates, such as those of Dr. Michio Kaku of the City College of New York, propose that the best we can theoretically do with our present understanding and our current technology is reach one-third the speed of light with an atomic-powered spacecraft. At the speed of light, we could then enter the fourth dimension of time. All stories of time travel are interdimensional in nature.

What Are Multiple Dimensions?

If we think about dimensions, we start off with the basic three: Height, Width and Depth. If we remember Einstein’s formulation of Spacetime, we can then point to Time as the fourth dimension. However, our own experience reveals these dimensions by themselves are insufficient to account for all of reality.

If we have seen spirits or taken psychotropic substances, we have directly experienced how malleable the Universe may seem. Objects melt into each other. This is also true of our dreams, as well as our ​Near Death Experiences

It is noteworthy that Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, underwent a week-long coma where his brain wasn’t operational and he was placed on life support. Miraculously, he recovered and resumed a normal life. Dr. Alexander’s first book, Proof of Heaven, went to great lengths describing an exquisitely beautify landscape, much like the Swiss Alps, with rapturous music and an overwhelming experience of love. Given that Dr. Alexander was rigorously trained as a research scientist and MD, we should give his story careful consideration.

Flat Land: From Three Dimensions Down to Two Dimensions

When we look at going beyond the familiar four dimensions, we find ourselves stymied. How can we put words to it? This dilemma was masterfully portrayed in Flatland by Edwin Abbot Abbot back in 1887. This novel portrays the challenge of a 3D creature to awaken 2D creatures on a sheet of paper as to the reality of the third dimension. The 3D creature doesn’t appear in a proper light in a 2D world, but rather appears as a circle, rather than a full sphere.

The 2D creatures are terrified of the 3D creature, as he doesn’t fit into their world and threatens their slippery grip on sanity. His attempts to convince them of the new reality are futile until he lifts one of them off the paper into the 3D world. This mirrors the tension between Jesus Christ and His disciples when He tries to relate divine truth to human truth. They just don’t get it.

When we consider multiple dimensions, we have a very tough time visualizing them. The Dutch artist, M.C. Escher, managed to suggest this very effectively by drawing an illustration of a man’s hand drawing itself. When you look at it, you ask, which is the drawing, and which is the real hand?

Higher Dimensions: String Theory Requires Eleven Dimensions

In the wake of the astrophysics of Albert Einstein and the quantum mechanics of Werner Heisenberg, we are confronted with two conflicting views of the Universe where the laws are utterly opposed. It is all about scale, the scale of the infinitesimally small strings, vastly smaller than subatomic particles, such as quarks, versus the scale of infinitely large galaxies that can take thousands of light years to cross.

String theory emerged a generation ago to reconcile them. It has worked out a highly sophisticated interpretation that reconciles the apparent differences at Planck Scale, 10-35 . It visualizes infinitely tiny strings or membranes of energy. Only one problem. The mathematics require 11 dimensions, or the familiar four dimensions, plus 7. It is explained that they are all wrapped up somewhere, which is why we don’t see them.

Visualize an ant crawling along a wire over a roadway. At a distance, the cable seems to be a straight line. Up close, however, you see the strands of the cable spiraling. The ant does not actually cross a straight line, but circuitously walks along the spiraling strand. So also with the higher dimensions.

Starting the Interdimensional Journey Outward

If we are going to experience interdimensional travel, as in the recent film, Interstellar, we need to find an extremely fast spaceship and a worm hole, a tiny portal, to another star system, galaxy or even universe. This is extremely dangerous, as it we are uncertain humans can survive the passage between one side of the wormhole and the other.

Our heart’s fondest dream might be, like Marty McFly in Back to the Future, to grab a sexy DeLorean. Adjust the flux capacitor and rev up the engine to do 88 miles per hour. In that movie, you would land 30 years in the past, or 30 years into the future. You need not worry about the stringencies of attaining the speed of light.

However, is it really necessary to travel outward to enter a new dimension? If the Universe really is constructed in 11 dimensions, then we inhabit each one of the dimensions. Could there be a link between the seven chakras and the 11 dimensions, between higher and lower chakras and higher and lower dimensions?

Starting the Interdimensional Journey Inward

When we realize that the Universe is a gigantic hologram, and that as Einstein suspected toward the end of his life, spacetime is a construct of the human mind, it becomes much easier to accept multiple dimensions. Here, traveling between dimensions is as simple waking up to their existence through an experience of satori, or even an encounter with LSD, Mescaline or DMT.

The first three dimensions could correspond to the first through third chakras: Security, Sensuality and Power. The fourth chakra, Love, has all the fluidity of time. The higher chakras of Cosmic Consciousness, Divine Consciousness and Unity Consciousness could contain the extra seven dimensions.

An easy place to start is with our right brain holistic, intuitive awareness that instantaneously grasps the Big Picture, while the left brain, linear and precise, ponders all the details. As we cultivate our intuition through creative expression, meditation and wandering in the forest or resting by the sea, we wake up to the Higher Dimensions and can effortlessly travel between them.

Love Always the Way Back Home

Love is the ultimate homing device. We can navigate the entire universe with it. As Dante put it, “Love is the force that moves the Sun and the other stars.” We can strive to know God’s Mind, as did Einstein, or God’s Heart, as did Christ. When we strive to know the heart of God, we will never miss. Love is the context of our lives. It is the unseen motive to everything we do.

We needn’t worry about figuring it all out in advance. We can simply BE with other people. As we open our hearts to them, we will learn. We will let their wisdom infuse us.

Love never loses. You win only when the person you love wins. When you love your enemy, your “enemy” can’t long remain your enemy. When you are weak, you are strong, and when strong, you are weak. You give up forever trying to prove yourself.

Interdimensional travel is, indeed, possible. As Timothy Leary once put it, “Turn on, tune in, drop out.”

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